Marketing on a Budget Marketing on a budget. This is a phrase that is probably on the minds of most of our current and potential clients these days. Although they know that they shouldn’t cutback their marketing efforts, especially during a slow economy … they are and who can blame them. But once the budget is cut, how do you…
Patience. That is an interesting concept in today’s world. With the internet, text messaging, blackberries, I-Phones, etc; the world wants information and results at the touch of a button and at lightning fast speed. Businesses even want immediate reactions and results from their marketing and advertising campaigns; but what they are forgetting is that the human mind still works at…
In a time when many people fear recession, it may seem odd to suggest to companies to spend money on marketing. However, it is during this downturn in the economy that this is actually one of the most important areas to spend your money. Marketing Myths Some say that a down economy is the time to cut the marketing and…
Last week we talked about direct mail and why it works and now we want to expand on that. Here is the bottom-line on direct mail: In the past 50 years, direct mail has never declined. That’s right – it has never declined. On the flip side – it has increased and continues to increase. According to a Universal McCann…
We all get them, almost every time we go to the mailbox; those little postcards, fliers, coupons and free trials that we lovingly refer to as “junk mail.” However much we complain about that mail, we always feel good that there is something in our mailbox when we open it and we all actually find ourselves perusing the “junk mail”…