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Zen and the Art of Marketing with Blogs

By marketing

Blogging.  It has become extremely popular lately, and why not – it gives people an opportunity to share their thoughts and expertise with the world.  It gives people the ability to have their words show up in print for anyone to read.  That’s pretty cool for the average person.  However – with companies – blogging is even cooler.  It not…

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Social Media Attacks the World (Wide Web)

By website

Social media, it seems, is one of the hottest topics these days.  Everyone is talking about Twittering, FaceBooking, Digging, Flickring, and Stumbling Upon.  With all this talk about all of these sites, you many begin to wonder to yourself, “what does the term ‘social media’ mean anyway?” Social media, according to Wikipedia, is defined as the use of electronic and…

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