As we have mentioned before, branding is very important in the business world. People begin to know your company by your brand. When they spot that little well-crafted logo; consumers automatically think of your company and your products or services. Freshen Up Your Brand However, once you have been around for a while, your logo and brand start to become…
Last week we talked about direct mail and why it works and now we want to expand on that. Here is the bottom-line on direct mail: In the past 50 years, direct mail has never declined. That’s right – it has never declined. On the flip side – it has increased and continues to increase. According to a Universal McCann…
We all get them, almost every time we go to the mailbox; those little postcards, fliers, coupons and free trials that we lovingly refer to as “junk mail.” However much we complain about that mail, we always feel good that there is something in our mailbox when we open it and we all actually find ourselves perusing the “junk mail”…
Your mother actually knew what she was doing when she choose the color pink for the carpet in your childhood bedroom. Pink has a calming effect and is considered very tranquil; which is why you were sent to your room full of pink carpet after throwing your weekly temper tantrum. Throughout history, color has been used in various ways. The…
Branding is everywhere, even in schools. Earlier this week, I came across an interesting lesson for high school students, and even graduates that have long been out of school. It was created by Carrie McLaren, editor of Stay Free Magazine, at the Center for Media Literacy. Armed with powerpoint slides designed by a friend, Carrie walked into a room of…
Branding Myth #1: I don’t need a brand. Yikes. Yes you do! If you’re in business, you need a brand. Think of it as a business essential, like your phone or your bank account. You can’t very well do business without those, can you? If we learned anything from the branding alphabet, we discovered how branding affects us all. If…